Photo, news services support

Web browsers:

You have not registered for or paid for the services. You are able to access free contents on the website, which include news titles, small-sized photos and advertisements.


You have registered for and paid for the services. You only have full access to the services you have subscribed for. There are two payment options: You can either pay for individual stories and photos or secure a monthly package that offer unlimited access to all services during the period.

Upon payment, an username and associated password will be delivered to you by the service provider. These will enable you to log in to the website. The login section is located on the top left corner.

After logging in to the system, based on your initial choice of services, news titles and photos will be displayed as follow:

How to get news, photos:

After logging into the website, you can browse stories or photos displayed on the home page or inside different categories.

Download news

To download a news item or multiple news items, you can do as follows:

1. To download an item, right-click on the item you want to download and the content of the selected news will be shown. - Scroll down to the end of the news and click the button [Save as]. - A pop-up window will appear with saving or viewing options. Choose [Save File] and then click [OK] to download.

2. To download multiple news items at the same time, select the items by clicking the small box shown on the left hand side of each item. - Scroll to the top of the display area and click the button [Download], then a new window will appear displaying the content of all news items you have selected. - Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the button [Lưu ra file]; a pop-up window will appear with saving or viewing options. Choose [Save File] and then click [OK] to download.

To find a news item, you can use the search toolbar on the top of the display area and enter keywords of the title or select the published dates. Search results will appear with 20 items per page by default. Find more search results by going to the next pages ([1] 2 3 4 5 >>).

If you are not a monthly subscriber, you can purchase a news item on a single basis. If you are a monthly subscriber, you are free to read all items available.

Download a photo

Three ways to view photos (default display of photos with captions)

- See photos with captions: to see photos with captions in the right corner, click on the button right under the number of the image.

- See photos without captions: to see photos without captions, click on the button which is right under the number of the image.

- Click on the small-sized photos to see their medium-sized versions (No charge for medium-sized photo viewers)

Ways to download photos:

- Click on the button below the small photo that you want to download. After the photo is displayed, click on the [Save] button on the photo’s top left corner to get the photo.

- To download multiple photos, tick in the small box on the left of each photo then click on the [Download] button. After the [File Download] pop-up appear, click on the [Save] button to get the photos.

Customers can look for specific photos by titles or dates the photos were issued using the search box. The search result will be displayed with 9 photos on each page. Click on next pages ([1] 2 3 4 5>>) to view other photos.

Customers can change the number of photos displayed on each page by choosing from the list of number of displayed photos: (9 15 21 30).